Pertinence :98
Buffelsdraai Reforestation Project / Projet de reboisement à Buffelsdraai
Buffelsdraai Reforestation Project ... The Project aims to alleviate climate change impacts associated with Durban hosting several 2010 FIFATM World Cup matches. Local people grow indigenous tree seedlings which they exchange for food ... The project was initiated with seed funding of ZAR 2.5 million, sourced from the Danish Government in 2008, through a funding mechanism known as DANIDA. Subsequently the municipality committed ... Buffelsdraai Reforestation Project / Projet de reboisement à Buffelsdraai ... ... To date, over 700,000 plants and trees (consisting of over 60 locally indigenous species) have been planted at Buffelsdraai. This is on track to offset approximately 42,214 tons of carbon. 16
Pertinence :7
Initiatives Climat
initiatives de 25 pays d’Afrique. Buffelsdraai-Reforestation-Project_650pix 0 Participation à la COP24 Evénements 1543878000 Quelques membres d’Initiatives Climat participent à la COP24 dont les enjeux sont
Pertinence :3
Reconstitution du couvert végétal et lutte contre l’érosion des sols / Restoration of Plant Cover and Prevention of Soil Erosion
, generating recurrent periods of food insecurity as a result. The project also aims to inverse this trend by enabling members of groups of livestock farmers to undertake pasture/grazing and fodder management